Tammy Gibson: What inspired you to develop H2S Nutrition?

Dominique Hayden: H2S means Heart 2 Serve. I started my business because I transformed myself. Initially, I started a workout program with my mentor. I lost 75 pounds. I said to myself, everybody needs this. My mentor started a nutrition club in the city, and that’s how I learned about nutrition. I decided that I wanted to open a nutrition business. H2S means everything I do is from the heart, and I love to serve people.

TG: You opened your business during the pandemic. What were your challenges, and how did you overcome them?

DH: Some of the biggest challenges were mental. Would people still come out, or will they be afraid to come into my business? How can I make sure that I get the products to my customers? It was about learning how to take precautions by sanitizing everything and making certain customers were comfortable coming in H2S by wearing masks and social distancing as much as possible.

We provided another option where our customers would call in to place their orders, and we offer curbside services. Our top priority is to make everyone safe while still trying to deal with the pandemic.

TG: What are the health benefits of drinking H2S teas and smoothies?

DH: The smoothies are considered a meal replacement. I want customers to learn to like healthy smoothies. When you try to do something health-related, sometimes it doesn’t taste good. I introduce my customers to my smoothies, and they love them. Incorporating two smoothies a day, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and working out helps you lose weight. That’s how I lost 75 pounds. The smoothies have only 24 grams of protein, under 240 calories, 9 grams of natural sugar. We blend it with water and ice. The smoothies taste like ice cream.

The H2S tea is excellent for burning calories, boosting metabolism, and giving you energy. It’s a great substitute instead of drinking Red Bull, Monster, and coffee. The teas have no sugar, are diabetic friendly, and even children can drink the tea.

TG: What is the Transformation Program?

DM: The Transformation Program will help you lose weight, get the abs you want, and the sexy arms. But more than anything, I want to transform my customers mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. The Transformation Program is about accountability. The accountability group will get one-on-one coaching, mindset activities, and how to do personal development daily. You can lose weight, but if your mindset doesn’t change how you look at food, your relationship with food, and yourself, it is hard to be on track with your goals.

TG: In the black community, there are several fast-food restaurants but few farmer’s markets, health food stores, and restaurants. What can be done to provide healthy food in the community?

DH: There needs to be more education. It took me a while to learn about healthy eating. I started my journey in 2017 trying to live a healthy lifestyle. More education and exposure to what a healthy lifestyle is and how it’s practical to implement it into your life without completely overhauling your whole lifestyle.

Source & full article: https://chicagodefender.com/h2s-nutrition-fueled-with-healthy-options-accessible-to-the-dolton-community/