Students of the Madison School in South Holland have spent their time and talent to produce an excellent newcast. Dubbed “Action News 7,” the students have done several newscasts on single subject topics – including Black History Month, Hispanic History Month, the 9/11 anniversary.

Complete with graphics, their newscast is polished and ready for distribution via youtube and social media.

Teacher Michelle Orth came up with the idea when the students were doing remote learning.

“I wanted to find a creative way to celebrate Black History Month with my students,” Orth said.

It turned out to be a creative and effective way for the students to learn.

“For the kids who are part of it, now they’re taking ownership,” Orth said. “‘Now it’s not just history in a book — it’s my history. I’m telling the story of my history; of our history’ – which has been great for them to see it.”

You can watch on
